TPO feedback

Thanks for constantly improving the TPO chart, its a big reason why I chose Tradovate.

I do have a few requests on how I think it could be improved:

I’d like to be able to have an overnight/extra session, but the ability to hide all past overnight sessions except for the most recent overnight session. I like to reference the overnight session for my trading, but am only interested in the most recent overnight session.

I’d like to be able to view the TPO POC as a solid horizontal bar, or at least to be able to control the opacity of the bar, its somewhat difficult to see on the chart as is. Also I’d like to be able to set the TPO value area high/low as horizontal bars instead of having a highlighted box, or a vertical bar representing the value area

Currently the price levels for OHLC show the total day’s session 18:00-17:00, I’d like it if the price levels could be limited to the OHLC of the custom time frame on my chart. I noticed that this applies to both beta and regular chart modes. In both chart modes beta/regular, regardless of my custom time frame for the chart, it gives me OHLC price levels outside of my custom time frame.

Would also be nice if the TPO chart could have blocks/letters representing the open and close of that session be highlighted, or if you could have the ability to adjust the color for the session open/close blocks. Currently you have the ability of seeing the open/close of each column, but I’d like to have a similar feature for the open/close of the session.

Thanks again

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@BWeis as an FYI, if you break out regular trading hours and an after trading hours profile and then split the after hours profile, it overrides the next day’s regular trading hours profile. Screenshots included, but since reregistering for the new forums, I can only include one screenshot for now. Should show a missing purple profile (regular hours).

And this was before splitting it. So one profile disappears.

Hi @Cody

Thanks for reporting this. We’re not able to immediately reproduce this. Would you be able to call in to the support desk when you have a chance and they can take a look/gather some additional details for our dev team to investigate?

Hi Brian,
I wonder if this is an issue with the charts, or the data feed, I sometimes see missing letters or skipped letters for a TPO period. See the chart below for M2K for E period with a missing letter E at 1883.

The same period E for RTY at 1883 does not show this missing E letter for E period. I understand that M2K should trade exactly or similar like RTY, likewise MES should trade like the ES.

I often see this with either RTY or M2K with missing letters for a particular TPO period.

I don’t have another TPO charting platform to compare and verify if indeed there is a missing letter E at 1883 (price level)

Thank you

Here you go,
It was E period of 12/07 at 7 PM

Same happened today for A period for M2K there are some missing letters as well.

Hi @JulioC

Would you be able to reach out to our support group (either by phone/chat/email) and we’ll see if we might be able to help sort this out for you

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I sent an email with the imagines to support.

Great! I’ll keep an eye on the ticket as well

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@BWeis As Tip Top said, POC is too difficult to see against the black background. Please make it easier to see, as this is one of the fundamentals of market profile.

Hello, was option ever added? I’d love to have both the normal profile and the split profile next to each other. I’d really only want that on the active trading day (past days I wouldnt use both profiles).