Category Topics


Check here often for important Tradovate announcements and details about software updates.

Traders Helping Traders

Chances are, out of the many thousands of Tradovate users, there’s someone who can give you a hand with an issue or lend some advice on how to use the platform. Use this area for trader self-help.

Custom Indicators

Use this area to request or collaborate with other Tradovate users on indicators you would like to see added to the Community Indicators area in the Trader. You can link Topics in this category to indicator posts in the Community Share in the trader

Tradovate Challenges

Use this area to add Topics for the Tradovate Challenges you create ( for discussion and announcements about your Challenge. Link to them directly when creating a challenge.

Beta Program

Test upcoming versions prior to their general release and help shape the future of Tradovate! This area will be used for notifications of new Beta releases and for users to submit feedback on current beta versions.

API Developers

This category will be used for community support and discussion for users writing to the Tradovate API. Useful links will also be made available here.

Tradovate Feature Requests

This is an area to request new features you would like to see in Tradovate. Add your ideas to the appropriate subcategories below. Tradovate monitors this forum and may include popular requests in upcoming releases.