Trading temporarily halted

Hi Guys,

When trying to enter new trades accross my accounts I receive the message trading has temporarily halted. Is this a global issue?

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mine wont allow to take any trades, says order rejected

I know alot of people are having the liquidation bug me included theres been no updates and its been like this since last night on the asian market

Looks like it’s happening to a lot of people on another thread about the 50000.0% liquidation message. I thought I did something wrong but it’s a lot of people!

I cant even place a trade allready few times my sell stop on GC was rejected, i did notice they increased margin like four times then usual margin but still i need to be abel to place a order, and until now i didt recieved any answer

This is on Apex’s site with Tradovate accounts:

" 01/12 Tradovate Peak Balance Discrepancy - Trading Halted

We are addressing a temporary issue impacting Tradovate accounts. To ensure a smooth resolution, please note the following update:

  • Market Status:
    The market for Tradovate accounts will be temporarily halted until further notice as we work closely with Tradovate to implement the necessary fixes.
  • Next Steps:
    We will update you as soon as trading resumes and provide additional guidance regarding the next steps after the resolution is confirmed.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Thank you for trusting us to support your trading journey."

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same with my funded Apex accounts

Same for me APEX and PAPEX

the same PAAPEX the same :slight_smile:

Orders are working again

All orders are REJECTED @ 1234pm ET