Hi there,
This is my call for Tradovate to act like other big companies and allow direct order routing via Tenton for Sierra Chart (Tenton has nothing in common with TT order routing as mentioned in the other chat post). Customer loyalty is the future of companies today, Toyoto (nothing is impossible) has already shown us that and has surpassed all other companies in terms of quality.
Teton is free, CQG is $0.3 per roundturn. This can add up to a few hundred euros. Teton offers a number of advantages that I also want to have as a Tradovate customer in order not to lose the technological edge over others.
Since we are all Tradovate customers, we already have a live account with one of the clearing companies, such as Dorman.
My customer request is to release the free Teton order routing. I ask others to vote for this.
Thanks in advance!