How can I add a countdown timer according to whatever time frame I’m using.
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How can I add a countdown timer according to whatever time frame I’m using.
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If you are looking to have the ticks or time show on the chart itself, I just made this for one of my Supporters. It only works with MINUTE and TICK based charts. (No seconds, Renko, range, momentum range, etc.) It also only works on New charts, not Legacy charts. You can configure the positioning relative to the last two bars, along with the font size and colors. You can also set the threshold amount so that the color changes if it is below a certain time or tick count. Note, the count only gets updated when a new “tick” occurs, unlike the timer on the tab. This is because this indicator isn’t running in its own thread. It only gets updated when new data arrives and the chart itself gets updated. This “issue” is most noticeable during times of low volatility (Globex).
You can search for “Time and Ticks Countdown” or use the link below. Lastly, if you find it useful, please consider sending a tip my way so I can keep making indicators available on Tradovate. Details on that can be found in the settings of the indicator.
Thanks, I have been waiting for a bar tick counter on the chart for over a year from tradovate.
how do we display the time on chart besides candle?