Experienced trader, but new to futures trading. Have been using the demo for some time and opened the account and plan to use the demo for some time before going live. What are some things to watch out for when going live? Is the market data used in demo same as in Live?
I read somewhere that in demo a limit order will be triggered when the price hits that level, but in Live, you have to wait until your place in the queue?
I am planning to day trade, does tradovate liquidate in the middle of the day if you exceed the margin or only at 4:45?
Not quite clear about the initial margin and maintenance margin. Does that come into play only if you hold it after market closes?
Live has a serious lag that demo doesnt have. Demo works seamlessly like a video game where live is very choppy almost half second to second delay before entry and when you move stoplosses.
You should not see any degradation of performance between demo and live. if you are seeing issues it’s best to open a support ticket with our support team (as they do not monitor posts in the community forum for bug reports).
To contact them, you can refer to this post:
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