Custom Indicators not accessible

I have just started with a demo account on Tradovate and wanted to try adding a custom indicator to my chart. When I click on “indicators” → “explore community indicators” I do not have any indicators in the list. Whatever I am typing in the search box I do not get any results. I am using web version of Tradovate.

Anyone had a similar problem?

I get a bug like that from time to time, though it hasn’t happened in a while. My fix has always been to download and import the workspace that has a community indicator in it; it forces the platform to download all previously installed indicators and restores the community indicator search function

The problem I have is that I can’t even see any custom indicator in the list. So it is not possible to install anything at the first place.

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Maybe you could try importing this workspace and see what happens

2022 share.tradovate (155.5 KB)

Same thing was happening to me in SIM/DEMO after a software update from Tradovate. Loading my live account and then switching back to SIM fixed it.

Same issue here, cleared cache and cookies, tried importing my workspace and just sits there loading.

Same thing I just did the update that Tradovate was requesting and now I don’t have access to custom indicators.

Same, no community indicators show up on my chart. Pretty hard to trade without my setup.

The same here. Yesterday they worked after several hours of not working. Today they’re not working again.

running into this issue as well. Been happening for the past few days. When I refresh my chart, all my indicators/community indicators disappear. and they don’t show back up. Not even in the list of indicators. I’ve tried clearing cache, using incognito, using the actual tradovate application, but nothing seems to fix it

Happening for me as well, but only during market open, i.e. busy times. Worked when I opened it an hour before open and mid-day.

And per their usual no response

Has the community indicators been completely abandoned?

Tradestation has a huge number of easylanguage experts. Tradeovate does not have a single expert on thier indicators. Too bad how sad