We have been getting a lot of interest in the Tradovate Custom Indicators functionality and questions about how to get a jump-start on working with the Tradovate Code Editor module. To help, we’ve added a page which provides some step-by-step instructions on some specific tasks in working with the Tradovate indicators; from creating a simple indicator, to reusing Tradovate indicator code all the way up to how to reference included libraries as well as external DLLs:
Hi actually i am using my strategy in trading view but that is in pine script and i want to get it converted to tradovat indicator as trading view never gives right signal
If you are looking for some help or direction, we have some really talented members in our community that have helped other users out. Feel free to start a topic in this category:
Recent updates and some significant additions have been made to the Custom Indicators functionality. Check out the updated documentation for information on new graphics functions we’ve added:
Dude this is a dead forum/platform. All the good community coders are long gone. There hasn’t even been an update in 2 years since Tradovate sold to Ninja. The guy up there you posted at up there, Brian Weiis, got a different position with Ninja when they got bought out. The people you have to contact if you have a prob with Tradovate don’t even know this forum exists…no joke. Here’s a copy paste from another thread I answered.
copy/pasted the below comment from another post I answered
From earlier:
Don’t bother requesting. This forum and platform was given up on when Tradovate sold to Ninja for their customers. I’ve had an acct with TVate from the begining, and am grandfathered in with a couple things, there hasn’t been an update in 2 years or more, no one from Tradovate/Ninja visits this forum anymore. Brian Weiss has “new position” with Ninja…idk what happen to Greg…TVate’s main coder/IT guy that was always in here. It’s a dead forum. I’m just letting you guys know so you don’t waste your time wishing and hoping. Too bad someone couldn’t pin this post…but if anyone wants to copy/paste when someone posts a new thread, or even start a new thread with this post, feel free. It probably won’t help much, but maybe someone from the company will see it. In fact, the last time I contacted live “help” from the chart browser, they didn’t even know the forum existed. And when they told me they weren’t aware of any problems, I pointed them to this forum where there are complaint after complaint of the same thing…and then I never heard back from them. There were a bunch of really good coders building great indicators that gave up and moved on after awhile. It had promise in the beginning. Perhaps that was their business model, build a decent client base, then sell the Co.?
The platform has just gotten impossible to use, and the fact they no longer are compatible, or connect with Sierra Chart, is an another issue. I suspect because Ninja owns them now and would like you to use that platform. Fact is, for me, when blips or server connections start to cost you money, or spending a half hour everyday trying to get indicators to load, or not there even when you switch timeframes…it’s just time to move on…