Hi Jean-Marie, thanks for your message.
I’m pretty sure that your “Symbol is inaccessible” message has to do with the ILA license that the CME and Tradovate now requires. When I posted the original video the fee was not required, but perhaps due to the popularity of the video and other developers catching wind, the CME and Tradovate started cracking down and required this ludicrous fee.
So you are aware, I posted the video on February of 2022. The CME shut everything down for Tradovate developers on November 2022, and that is when I paused working on it.
As far as I can tell, it looks like your trades are for individual days. If it were up to me, I would try to keep verifying the strategy over a significant period, to see how it works over time. There is no one strategy that is profitable every day – there will be winning days and losing days. The only way to know if your system is working is to test it out manually. And the concept that auto-trading is better than manually trading is a lot harder to validate – believe me, when you have real money on the line and you need to “trust” your code, you should have a rock-soild way to know how to deal with all situations and edge cases.
All said, deploying your bot will take time and money. I wish you all the best.
PS, I know only a few will read this, but after taking a significant time off developing Trade Hur, I rebuilt it very recently from the ground up and started testing out a revised algorithm. It is performing relatively well.