Tradovate Automated Trading Bot

Greetings I am a Full stack JavaScript developer portfolio located here

I have for sale an automated trading bot designed to use tradovate’s api and websocket api to retrieve current prices, perform buy and sell actions. Bot comes with working algorithm but can be modified to use your own algorithm.

Requirement to use the bot is:
Valid CME account with websocket api access
Basic knowledge of node.js and running scripts from vscode or command terminal.

The module will come with setup and running instructions further more I will help you set up and explain how to use via tiny desk.

For more details contact me via email or here

Can you use websocket and api to create a tradecopier?

Lets discuss some more if you can tell me exactly what you need that bot to so I can make it using the api and websockets

Just need to be able to copy trade from one account to the other. Something similar to replikanto but native to tradovate and not needing ninjatrader. When a trade is placed on one account the exact same position will be placed to another account. Im thinking websocket to know when a position is placed and then rest api to place the same position on another account

Can we please see verified PnL reports for how well the bot profits. I would also like to know what futures contracts this works best on.

Sorry for the delay i am extremely and to answer your question yes i can definitely do this for you we can schedule a zoom chat to discuss further.

I cannot show sensitive information if you want to test the bot we can arrange something.

How much would it cost?

My rate is 35 per hour

Hi I would like to test out the bot. I’m actually trading with a prop firm. Is this prop firm enabled?

I have built this and it support prop firms too.