I have created a trading bot in nodejs using the Tradovate API and it is killing it.
The problem is that it works and then suddenly Tradovate closes the web socket and when I reconnect, I get an error 429 response and that is the end of the trading day. Wait a few hours and you are back in business.
I have read the API documentation in detail. I use websockets only with UserSync and follow every rule and never do anything not absolutely needed.
I have many users ready to sign up for this bot, but until I can get this resolved, I am limited in the number of users I can offer it to.
I will call their support phone number of Monday and hope someone answers that is remotely technical enough. I already know that I am going to waste hours to get no answer… so any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!
PS: for those who asked, it allows manual trading with stop loss management, etc. as well as fully automated trading.
Here is a boring video where I explain some of the entries and how the stop loss management works.
Friday results on ESU4 (excluding fees):