Lock risk settings after first trade

The lock risk settings have helped me greatly, there are a couple improvements that would make it much better.

-Lock settings after first trade, this way we don’t have to deal with the temptation of changing the limit before triggering it.

-Set a custom lockout time, sometimes locking myself out for the whole day feels excessive, I have found my head cools down a couple hours later, would be nice to have that too

-Make the risk setting trail the day P/L if set my max daily lost at 100 and I’m up 300, lock me out if I hit 200, if my setting is 20 and I’m up 100 lock me out when I hit 80 and so on.

I know there are multiple requests here but only the first one is really important on the short term.

@BWeis would it be to complicated to add this? I mean, just the part about, lock the risk settings after the first trade of the session?

The lock settings after first trade idea sounds really good. This would really make the Tradovate’s risk management feature much better!

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I can’t believe there is not more votes on this. The Lock Risk setting is an awesome addition but in all reality if your day trading multiple times a day and trade # 11 has now brought you close to your risk setting temptation can creep in and you can easily go and widen your risk parameters before they ever hit. This makes the lock almost meaningless.

This needs to be set once for the day and then you can’t change it. Yes, I like the ‘once the first trade is made then lock’ or simply the next trade after enabling lock settings. And if it’s too much for some who want to be able to adjust during the day then have 2 settings a “Locked” and “Really Locked” setting :slight_smile:

I am too looking for such a feature. Where either the lock kicks at the moment a first trade of a session if hit, or where we can set a lock setting that is on until a certain set date unless unlocked by contacting Tradovate themselves. I have found myself raising my max limit on large up days only to have it cost me dearly. My equities brokers all have setting that are set on their end where the trader cannot have them changed until the following session. The poster Zeckrin suggestion posted above seems to sum it up much better than I can.

CAN SOMEONE FROM TRADOVATE ADDRESS THIS ISSUE? I have seen nothing from Tradovate on this topic good or bad. You have to know it’s a very legit and needed request.

Please see my reply to another thread. This is possible using a power of attorney.