my program is work good since 2022-4 ,I use the is login,connect trade,demo market in websockt
but about in last month,I get some error code in get market data:
send:md/getChart body:{"symbol":"ESZ2","chartDescription":{"underlyingType":"Tick","elementSize":1,"elementSizeUnit":"UnderlyingUnits","withHistogram":false},"timeRange":{"asMuchAsElements":1}} error:{"s":100015,"ok":false,"event":false}
last week,is work good ,in this Tuesday,my program is can not get market data ,restart ,it get the 10015 error code
who can tell me ,what happend.and how can I fix it?
My API is Automatic renewal,I confirm in my email
Market data is subscribed
connect is single,is that problem?we will use one web client and program
please help me @Alexander @BWeis