Can we use Webhook from Tradingview to place order with tradovate?

I use Tradingview connected to Tradovate right now. I have built strategies in Tradingview that can sen the “buy/sell” signal through a webhook, which I do with my discord server already. Can those instructions be sent to Tradovate somehow? It would be great since it would act like an autotrade bot.

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I have already connected tradingview with tradovate. I have my own indicators set and it alerts me buy and sell signal. But is it possible to automatically place order? right now I can place manullay from tradingview. Thanks for your help.

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This is exactly what I am looking for as well. If we place an order in Tradingveiw, it passes to Tradovate - and vice-versa. Now if it was placed automatically based on the Webhook from Tradingview… game changer.

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Does tradovate support team can help or guide in right direction please?

I was curious if this question was posed to Tradingview Support and what their response was?

Yes. I have been after TradingView to make this a reality as well.
You can build a strategy that will print long/short on the chart as if there was an order, but a “real” order is not placed. Meaning, automation is there but not for live orders.
That said, all the info needed can be used in the url webhook. If that data can be interpreted by Tradovate to place and order, Tradovate would have a gold mine.

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BWeis, any update on this feature?

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Yes, would love to know. Have bots waiting.

This is exactly what I would like to do also. If I could automate from TV to Tradovate it would be a game changer for me.

Is there no one at Tradovate who can deliver some support on this matter? This is clearly an issue that has many people (both in and out of this forum) struggling with and having it fixed and rolling would be in Tradovate’s interest too.

If this can inspire solutions to any of you, I am considering using a service like the one provided by a website called webhookrelay. I have some idea of programming but I a not a coder myself, so my progress is slow and time consuming. If any of you with a better knowledge than mine could comment on the idea would be appretiated.

Sir, I do a lot of coding in TradingView and use Tradovate as my order processor. I also have automation in Tradestation and NinjaTrader. Perhaps we can work on something. Connect with me on TradingView and we can chat directly there. Profile is: NorthStarDayTrading

Hi There
My name is Lenny and I am in the process of opening a futures account with Tradovate to trade a Tradingview Strategy via Webhooks on Tradovate through the Web API. I am in need of connecting with a programmer who is capabale of programming the Tradovate side of this interface to place orders. My partner is a C++ programmer but is not familiar with the Javascript needed to write and run this. Please let me know if you can recommend anyone to me to do this. Your help is much appreciated. Best, Lenny

@Lennart_Schatzschnei Hi Lenny, Direct message me with more info if you’re still interested.

Hi @God. I also made many indicators in Tradingview and after testing them for 4 months, automate them in Tradovate is my number one wish. Could you or anyone else help me setting this up? It is a pitty Tradovate doesn’t offer a plug 'n play solution (or an easy guide to follow) for sending webhooks from Tradingview to Tradovate’s API.

I’m interested as well. I’ve had to resort to using NinjaTrader for the automation.

After searching on the internet i have found two solutions. I wanted to share them here. If anyone has experience with these services, you can always let us know here.

  1. You just need to download their chrome-extension and leave tradovate/tradingview open.
    But here is the problem: You need to keep you’re computer on and I don’t like that, because if my internet connection drops, or my electricity is falling out or my computer/tradovate/tradingview crashes, then the connection is lost and that’s to risky with trading futures.
    So I have found another solution.


They also offer the same thing as “autoview”, but there is an altarnative. They offers a service where the automated trading runs on VPS so you don’t need to keep your PC on. It runs in the cloud and with a stop order placed for Safety you don’t need to worry about connection issues/crashes.

Their software will be using the Api and the signals from tradingview will be with the “Webhook url” send to Tradovate? You can use any indicator in tradingview as long as it gives webhook signals. They say it will take 1 second for the order to arrive in Tradovate.

I ordered service 2. Will give an update in the near future about it if I know more.

Hi @God
Sorry about the delayed response. Yes, My partner and I want to automate an ALGO composed on Tradingview on the Tradovate platform. You mentioned to direct message you if I am still interested. Can you assist us with this connecting to the Tradovate Web API? I understand we would need a Javascript interface to do this. Please let me know. I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you in advance

So I have good news! A month ago i contacted asking them helping the tradovate traders to connect tradingview with tradovate’s api. They finalised it and their service is now ready to go. Anyone interested should contact this great man who finally gave us the solution! email:

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Here is the demo in case you want to see

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Has anyone used HFT solutions? I reached out and have not heard back