Black Screen

Tradovate gives nothing but a black screen on 2 different computers can’t even get a help screen. I guess the plan is drive everyone out. I’ll but not going to ninja trader you jerks.

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I’ve had that happen a couple of times in the last few days. I believe there has been some bugs and they notified customers in App about it.

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Just log off and then log in again. Your computer sometimes needs to clear cache. It is not that big a deal, really.

Actually it is an issue and a big deal. Even clearing cache doesnt help

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The way I see it Tradovate management miscalculated in balancing the business need to make a profit and provide an edge to traders. which explains the sell-out and dastardly cut-and-run attiude antipodal to Mr. Tomsic’s TEDTALK

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Here it is sis’s and bro’s Rick Tomsic, Tradovate - Building with Vision - YouTube

I’ve had this issue for two days straight. When I log into simulation, it says ‘loading’ with a black screen. Issue comes and goes and Tradovate support is not helpful at all.

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