Volume Profile Data/Script Reduction

Ive been using Delta Footprint by MarketXero for its volume profile per bar. It also provides the delta and order volume. If someone doesn’t mind, can they remove the delta and numericals so that all that remains is the volume profile.

Ive been able to use a workaround by selecting black for all the delta rows and numerical, however it’s a drain on data still and visually fouls up the candles.

Many thanks!

Here is a link to the indicator.

I might know someone who can assist with that request

I added it to the roadmap:

I’d also recommend updating to the most recent version. I’ve added an improved compact mode, along with absorption/divergence signals, both of which you may find of value, shown below

There’s also a feature to show VPOC and Value area High/Low, that can be toggled on, not shown here