Tradingview feature to drag TP and SL directly after placing a market order or limit order

Will there be a feature in the future in tradingview where you can drag TP and SL directly after placing a market order or limit order like you can do in paper trading, I know IBKR has this feature. I attached a photo so you can see. It would make things very efficient if this feature was added

I agree. This would be nice. Especially since you PAY for the integration.


Why this feature is not taken up yet


This needs to be added especially since I am paying for integration to Trading view and one of their key things I am unable to use!! Make this a priority.


I add my vote tho the other, in order to integrate this essential feature into Trading View integration.


It is impossible to focus while micro-scalping without this feature. Please fix it ASAP !!!


Yes please fix this ASAP please!


that would be amazing being able to drag tp and sl directly on the chart after placing an order would make trading so much easier tools like pickmytrade can also help streamline your trades and boost efficiency hope tradovate considers adding this feature


I had a discussion with both Tradovate and Tradingview supports:

-First answer Tradovate Support:
"If you have a Tradingview platform license, I suggest you submit a support ticket with Tradingview so they can gauge user demand and discuss with our development team the feasibility of adding this functionality. "

-Tradingview Support:
“Adding Stop Loss and Take Profit brackets to a running position is not supported on the Tradovate platform as well. On Tradovate accounts, it is possible to add brackets to the order only during initial order placement. If the feature is not supported on the broker platform, I am afraid that it can not be added on TradingView. We appreciate your understanding. Kind Regards.”

-Last answer Tradovate Support:
“Yes, this is something that Tradovate would need to develop. This has been a discussion item with Tradingview for some time. Implementing this would require significant rewriting of our code, and we do not have the intention to redesign this at this point.

This means that Tradovate has the full responsability for the lack of this feature. The only thing we can do is to keep on mailing Tradovate Support.

Sad thing is that it took me a couple of hours to implement it using the API. TradingView can do it without ToV needing to implement it, but if ToV takes the blame, then that is a done deal.

Their messages also confirms that ToV is just coasting and reaping in $ on their platform and not planning any more real development on it.