My order getting rejected with message AutoLiq 50000.0%

Im doing eval for a funded trading account when suddenly my order keep getting rejected with message stating AutoLiq 50000.0%. What should I do?

My initial capital is 50K and I just got 200$ profit for the day trade. Can somebody explain why my order keep being rejected?

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I am getting the same issue today, i have connected to tradingview and it will not allow any trades no matter how small

Can someone please advise?

Probably because the market is closed?

Did yours reset back to normal ? This is happening to me right now. I didnt even go 10% in trailing draw down

Same thing is happening to me also. Am waiting on standby for this to be resolved

It just happened to me an hour ago, I had a order opened and it got auto liquidated at 20:59:01 ET

I don’t use to trade Sundays and not at this hours and I don’t know if its because its not allowed trading hours or because I broke some rule of my funded account.

I was worried I lost the account but as it seems that it’s happening to more people it’s probably some kind of bug ??

I regularly trade at this time and this has never happened, fyi

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It must be some kind of bug. Seems like several people have been autoliquidated at the same time (but different time zones): 01/12/2025 18:59: 01.

Hopefully they don’t penalize the accounts due to it.


Orders usually get autoliquidated like this when market is about to close, at 59:01

Some timer in the code must have gone crazy. Idrk

Thank you guys for the information. I think I’m going to sleep now and see tomorrow if the issue is fixed.

Good night!

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Yea It has to be some type of bug. I was trying to trade my funded and I got this same message. I thought I accidentally blew my account lol. 1/12/25 9:20 pm est

same problem, unable to place a order.

I am also having the same issue


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Am Getting The Same Error I Dont Know What Is Going On Rigth Now

Get some good sleep, everyone. Doesn’t seem like the issue is being resolved at the moment, and you’ll want to be energized for the regulation hours. :slight_smile:

I well do the same think, is a issue on the system all my account and evething is ok so they shoud fix it tomorrow

Same issue here. FRUSTRATING when you cant trade! Unbelievable!

Mine is liquidated as well. Anybody find out anything yet?

Orders still getting rejected for me. I sent a ticket yesterday and an IA answered me saying something about increased margins and modified trading hours due to some special news.

Waiting for the staff to answer but I don’t know if the ticked reached them or it just got solved status with the IA answer. Guess we will have to wait further today until they fix it.

Mine did the same thing with the ticket i opened last night