Jump to specific day & time / show fills from previous days

I’d love to be able to select a specific time and date to jump back to in my current chart. Sometimes I like to review previous patterns, reaction to news events, etc – as well as study and learn from my own trading decisions in retrospect.

Right now, I have to zoom out, scroll-scroll-scroll backwards, and then zoom back in if I want to review a specific chart area for an earlier time or date.

Also, it only shows order fills in the chart from the current day. After the new “day” starts at 5pm CST, I can’t even see where I entered and exited from earlier that morning. :wink:

Agreed. Good for journaling, retroactively.

If you have a bad day, get frustrated, or whatever, and shut down for the day; then go back to look at your trades…they’re gone! (unless you download a spreadsheet and map out the trades).

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I agree. This feature would enable traders to learn from their own trading decision and hone their skills. Also, a chart pattern at the minute bar level provide much more detail than hourly chart candles. One could go back to see how reversals played out in more detail, and gain insights.

Previous day’s trades should definitely be available on the charts. I can’t even review at the end of the day because they get cleared out within an hour after market close.

Buenas seria posible que las ordenes ejecutadas el dia de ayer las pueda ver en el grafico hoy?

I agree. They should also get the replay available for all previous days.

+1 let’s get this one done please

This still hasn’t been added right? I would really like this feature. Would save me the time of manually recording.

Does anyone know if we can yet see fills from previous days? Trying to see my fills from earlier today, mere hours ago, and they’re not showing up.

Old trades can be seen when in replay mode, which you have to pay 49 USD per month to get access to! I could imagine they’d prefer you´d pay for that instead of adding a free option :wink:

But I totaly agree. This should be possible!

any updates on this requested feature?