Does this API work anymore? How much does it cost?

I am seeing some people say that I must contact the CME to use this API ?

For API Access, to have an account is free. The Tradovate API Subscription cost $25/mo + you have to register with CME for Non Display Category A license which is $390/mo

I am trying to use the websocket, but all I am getting back is received message: a[{"s":200,"i":1}]

async def connect_websocket():
uri = “wss://” # Replace with the actual WebSocket server URL

async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
    # Perform actions with the WebSocket connection
    await websocket.send("authorize\n1\n\n" + res['accessToken'])  # Send a message to the server
    response = await websocket.recv()  # Receive a message from the server
    print(f"Received message: {response}")
    # Perform actions with the WebSocket connection
    #await websocket.send(f"md/getChart \n2\n\n"+"{symbol:'ESU3'}")  # Send a message to the server
    await websocket.send('md/subscribeQuote\n1135633\n\n{\"symbol\":\"ESU3\"}')  # Send a message to the server
    #await websocket.send(f"md/subscribeQuote\n2\n\n{json.dumps(payload)}")  # Send a message to the server
    response = await websocket.recv()  # Receive a message from the server
    print(f"Received message: {response}")

I get this from this from the above

Received message: o
Received message: a[{“s”:200,“i”:1}]
Received message: a[{“s”:200,“i”:1215633,“d”:{“errorText”:“Symbol is inaccessible”,“errorCode”:“UnknownSymbol”,“mode”:“None”}}]
Received message: a[{“s”:200,“i”:1156323,“d”:{“errorText”:“Symbol is inaccessible”,“errorCode”:“UnknownSymbol”,“mode”:“None”}}]

My token I am using has access to market data…

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I am getting same error, I even used there boiler plate code in AutoTrade and it throws the same error for any data stream on any contract symbol. (Used ESU3 for below)
{ s: 200, i: 1, d: { errorText: 'Symbol is inaccessible', errorCode: 'UnknownSymbol', mode: 'None' } }

I reached out to support to confirm I have market data set up properly and they just said I need to check the api forums. Forums all say I need to call CME and pay $390/mo. Hopefully they give me a straight answer soon.

Did you ever get the answer? I just completed my code this weekend only to see “symbol is inaccessible” This is very disappointing, but it will be an easy decision to stick with IB, if it is true.

Your socket is open and you recieved at s:200 which is equivalent to a status ok message. The issue is your subscribeQoute uri string this is javascript so convert it to python

md/subscribeQuote\n ${qouteId}\n""\n${JSON.stringify({ symbol })}

Your symbol must be a stringified object like above