Can't exit trades. Limit orders can't be modified/completely broken

In Market Replay when I place a limit order I can’t modify it after. I can’t drag and move it, it doesn’t cancel when I click on the X. The alert constantly says “Order can’t be modified”… even on just a single contract.

When I enter a market order, I can’t close the trade with the exit button. If I buy, I have to click the sell market order, and vice versa. This also doesn’t get rid of the existing limit orders. They’re stuck on the chart permanently until price interacts.

How can I fix this? It’s completely broken and makes trading impossible.


I have the same problem …


Same problem here! Really frustrating.


Same here also…thnx for bringing up


Still no response from customer support, same issue persists, paying a high price for a program and receiving no customer support is completely disrespectful.


Very frustrating considering how expensive it is. I appreciate everyone commenting and liking the post to make sure it stays visible. Issue seems to bleed over on Ninja too. Hopefully it gets addressed on the Friday patch.

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Same here, I was just using the feature last week and now my ATM features with auto stop loss orders are not working correctly.

The issue with Market Replay, where orders were not able to get modified or cancelled, has been resolved over the weekend. You can now use Market Replay sessions without issue. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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