Can anyone help to convert the thinkorswim market breadth indicator for Tradovate?

Market Breath Ratios

Paris (based on an earlier idea from ESP)


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def UVOL = close(“$UVOL”);
def DVOL = close(“$DVOL”);

def UVOLD = close(“$UVOLI”);
def DVOLD = close(“$DVOLI”);

def UVOLS = close(“$UVOLSP”);
def DVOLS = close(“$DVOLSP”);

def UVOLN = close(“$UVOL/Q”);
def DVOLN = close(“$DVOL/Q”);

def UVOLR = close(“$UVOLRL”);
def DVOLR = close(“$DVOLRL”);

def SPYRatio = if (UVOLS >= DVOLS) then (UVOLS / DVOLS) else -(DVOLS / UVOLS);
AddLabel(yes, "S&P500: " + Concat(Round(SPYRatio, 2), ” :1”), if SPYRatio >= 0 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);

def DJIRatio = if (UVOLD >= DVOLD) then (UVOLD / DVOLD) else -(DVOLD / UVOLD);
AddLabel(yes, "DJI: " + Concat(Round(DJIRatio, 2), ” :1”), if DJIRatio >= 0 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);

def NDXRatio = if (UVOLN >= DVOLN) then (UVOLN / DVOLN) else -(DVOLN / UVOLN);
AddLabel(yes, "QQQ: " + Concat(Round(NDXRatio, 2), ” :1”), if NDXRatio >= 0 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);

def RUTRatio = if (UVOLR >= DVOLR) then (UVOLR / DVOLR) else -(DVOLR / UVOLR);
AddLabel(yes, "R2000: " + Concat(Round(RUTRatio, 2), ” :1”), if RUTRatio >= 0 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);

def NYSERatio = if (UVOL >= DVOL) then (UVOL / DVOL) else -(DVOL / UVOL);
AddLabel(yes, "NYSE: " + Concat(Round(NYSERatio, 2), ” :1”), if NYSERatio >= 0 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);