On the Bid-Ask Volume Charts, can we have the aggregated delta, cumulative delta, volume, etc appear underneath for each period?
Alternatively, can we have the ability to print text/labels onto charts with the custom plotter?
I am aware of the Cumulative Delta indicator and the Delta Histogram available in community indicators, but would like to have grid with the totals instead.
I was literally considering posting this same request all day today. This would make analysis so much easier; in my opinion faster to read than delta histograms and cum delta candles.
Seeing a footer below price would be an amazing addition to the bid-ask charts. I would like to see shading each price level based on dominant side. Maybe with some type of color shading based on how imbalanced the cell is. This allows you to see shifts in supply/demand in real time. Plotting horizonal and diagonal lines based on imbalances. One last idea would to be able to combine bid-ask charts with pnf charts. Pnf charting is a great way to see real market rotations, but at the moment tradovates pnf charts support no volume.
I can confirm that this is fully possible using the new custom indicators graphics module. If the docs don’t clarify well enough how to accomplish something like this, I can answer questions related to custom indicators.
Since this one is very popular and as a way to showcase the capabilities of the new Graphics that are available in the Custom Indicators, @Alexander is coding this one and will share it with everyone
This is awesome news can’t wait to see the final product! Is it possible to program the range of each period in the bid ask chart footer? Some type of color shading based on per series basis would be neat as well. Thanks again for continuing to push out awesome features to benefit the entire community.
Just the tick amount from high to low of what ever chart interval you use. Then if we could input a per series lookback number that shaded the colors based on below/above average output. This can help with visualization you lose on a footprint chart because of how zoomed in you need to be to see the real time data.
I’m working on it now, currently it will adjust itself to whatever the chart timeframe is set to whether its based on volume ticks or time. So it is programmable so to speak, just by using the Trader chart timeframe features. I don’t have plans of adding a shading feature just yet, but currently it will let you know whether the bid - ask is positive or negative on the day as well as on a per-bar basis.
Even if the color shading was too much of a hassle. A simple lookback period average displayed on that far right of the image would be ideal. Plotting simple moving averages on top of other indicators is a nice feature in tradovate. Helps measure realative changes in a visual manner. Since the footer is just number displays this might help us to determine abovw/below average changes in delta, volume, ranges etc.
Not to keep throwing work out there, but I failed to mention a column for delta minimum and maximum for each bar. Currently the delta candle fixed indicator captures the min/max values of each bar. This is important because, sometimes delta has a significant change before the bar finishes. This can be important information that can influence trading decisions.