Autobreak Even and Offset

Hello. Is it possible to implement a Place Order over the REST API that takes advantage of the Auto breakeven and offset functions available in the desktop brackets?


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FOUND IT!!! use parameters breakeven, and breakevenPlus in your order strategy params!!! i used ssl proxy to sniff the content from the desktop app to find this BTW. ur welcome!!

i.e. {“accountId”:000000,“symbol”:“MESZ2”,“orderStrategyTypeId”:2,“action”:“Buy”,“params”:“{"entryVersion":{"orderId":0,"orderQty":5,"orderType":"Market","timeInForce":"GTC"},"brackets":[{"qty":5,"profitTarget":15,"stopLoss":-10,"trailingStop":false,"breakeven":9,"breakevenPlus":0}]}”}


THANK YOU! You’re awesome.

having issues though getting error “Stop and Stop/Limit breakeven supported only” when SELING SHORT. it works for long. I’ll try again with the sniffing and go short and find out

OK. I haven’t tried it yet. Will let you know if I run into anything.

ok seems breakeven is ALWYAS positive… even on short sells. in the desktop app. and you cannot use it combination with trailingStop=true