Websocket - Is there a way to replay any missed out events from a specific time?

Hi @Alexander

Our websocket client subscribes to the endpoint “user/syncrequest” to listen on all order related events – Websocket connection terminates at irregular intervals and we are reconnecting back – we are losing events/messages during this time – is there a way to replay any missed out events from a specific time or T minus few seconds?

Thanks again!

Hey again @fin1.

For the user sync WebSocket, if you reconnect and things have changed it will send you the full state of your user on the initial response message (from user/syncRequest). What I do is use that state to set the initial state of the application. You can even find recent command and execution reports if your implementation relies on them.

To determine what changed on a restart, you would probably have to store the whole user state and then compare the stored state to the initial state, but you should be able to recover the lost changes in that way.