Need help with ATM settings please

Hi everyone. I need help with tradovate atm settings. I tried everything but it doesn’t seem to work like I want it to.

So this is what I want to a achieve. If anyone can input this and share screenshot. I would really appreciate. I tried so many things but can’t figure it out.

So 1st target, When I reach 25(1xRR), I want to move stop loss to 50% (-12.5) on all 5 contracts. which works fine.

2nd target, when I reach 50 (2xRR), I want to move stop loss to break even on all 5 contracts.

3rd target, when I reach 75 (3xRR), I want to close 4 contracts. Also at the same time I want to move stop loss to +25 (1xRR) for the 1 contract I have left.

4th target, when I reach 100 (4xRR), I want stop loss to move to +75 (3xRR). This is for the 1 contract I have left.

5th Target, when I reach 125 (5xRR), I want to close the 1 contract I have left completely.