Market Replay in Exchange Time

Hi, I am using Market Replay to implement a trading strategy for the Micro E-Mini S&P 500. I do not live in the same time zone as the CME. In market replay the time is shown in local time rather than in the exchange time at the time of the trade.

Can you please add the feature to view the market in Market Replay in exchange time as the trades occur rather display the time that the trades occured in local time?


I think I might have solved this. I changed my computer time from the time zone that I am (AEST) to the time zone in Chicago (CST). This has displayed the market data at the time that it happened in Chicago.

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Hi Guys,

Personally, I think the time zone should be configurable by the user.
Currently we can pick alerts time to be local or exchange.
We have no options to pick New York time or another UTC based time as we have on TradingView.
I think it would be helpful to have the time zone options work for the chart, the alerts, the market clock, and also work with any API related functions.

Here’s my survey of the situation on miro. Comments are open if you have any suggestions for my images/notes.

I gave this post an upvote rather than creating a new one.
Hope that helps.

I suppose I could buy another iPhone and/or buy a dedicated trading computer and set them to EST, but I like how TradingView has done it because you can open two browser tabs and each can have it’s own configuration.