Clock time zone

The clock is set to CDT?? Why not have the option to change based on your own time zone.

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You can set the clock to your time zone under Application Settings>Notification

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Settings>preference>scroll down to notifications.

Hi Brian,

I have a little frustration still with time zone.
Not sure how many people would like to be able to set NY time, like we can do on TradingView, but I would really appreciate it.
I put the details on this Feature Vote regarding Market Replay, but I think it would be nice if it applied to all the apps and API, both in simulation and live trading.

What do you guys think? Please vote up the other topic only if you really think it would be helpful.


How do I get New York time for New York markets?


agree - i want to see EST on the chart


How is this not available?
Simple case: I live in Europe, and in my time zone the switching from solar to Winter/summer time happens usually one week in advance compared to USA.
I have manually set my sessions for TPO profile to be compatible with my time zone but during this week when my timezone is already an hour ahead for the summer/winter switch everything is off. The NY session now for me starts an hour before.

It would be way easier if I could simply set the time for tradovate to be NY time.
Why isn’t this possible ? Technically it should be no brainer given that we can already choose local timezone


It only gives the option for Chicago time or my local time… neither is NY time.

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it seems like it’s more coding to restrict the clock to only 2 time zones instead of letting us choose the time zone. please fix asap.

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