Would love if something like the shading thinkorswim does or just possibly a line showing market open automatically would be very handy.
It’s got to be something we’re missing…I too cannot figure out how to simply mark the open/close/any time I choose with a vertical line or shade the chart within a time frame. I almost found something a while back…but could not change the open session time to what I needed…it only used the actual CME session open, i.e. 5pm. There has to be something already available to simple shade or mark 6:30 am (ES RTH open on west coast) to or through it’s close - 2pm on west coast. If you have any luck before I do let me know…and I’ll do the same of course!
It’s absurd that tradovate doesn’t have this feature still. Has to be one of the least useful charting platforms I’ve ever seen.