Drawing Tool - Fibonacci Extension

Add a Fibonacci extension to the drawing tools.


Hi @Piper792

We do offer some extensions in the tool currently, you can view this post about them:

Is this what you were referring to?

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A Fib extension is a bit different as it plots 3 points (ABC) vs a Fib retrace which only has 2 points to plot a retrace of a move.


adding more levels to the fib tool would be a nice addition. My main charting software is trading view and they offer 24 customizable levels you can put in for fib options. So either a option to add more levels or the ability to save/select templates with different settings would be well welcomed.

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Two Different things

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Fibonacci Extension is different from the Fib Retracement… would love the Fib Extension. :slight_smile:


Would like to have neg extensions. i.e. -61.8% and -100% on the fib retracement tool.
Would also like more than 7 levels.
Every fib retracement tool I’ve ever used had extensions in each direction.
Would also like a Fib extension tool.


Three point fib is great because you can make measured moves. It projects one vector into another space and this is helpful. You can also do this by simply copying a line that you used for measuring and then create another fib retracement.

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Yes. Please see Think or Swim for an example. This is a different tool and used for different things. Please provide as it’s a critical part of my trading!

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There is not enough fib lines in the fib drawing tool, consider adding more lines to it, tradingview allows 24 lines to be drawn… at least make like like 15 lines please.

Did this request just fall in-between the cracks? The Fib extension kinda goes hand and hand with the Fib retracement both are needed if Fibs are apart of your trading strategy.

Something like this please.


I haven’t heard anything on supporting this as of yet…

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That would great to add this option. Fibonacci retracements and extensions work hand in hand.

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yes can we get a fib ext tool…what you mention at the top is a fib retracement this is different than what we asking

There are now a couple of Fib Ext tools you can add from the community. Thank you to those that created them.


I would love more levels and negative levels as well like we have in ToS.

Try this one from the community and see if it does what you’re looking for:

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Thank you! I found that one and it is working great!

Dear developers!
fibonacci extension tool is missing in our beautiful platform that you have created. its a really big problem for a traders, every time deleting fibonacci retracement lines and replacing them with fibonacci extension lines takes extra time that we don’t have when it comes to scalping. Just so you know we need at least 5 to 10 extra lines for fibonacci extension to put the following numbers -
127, 150, 161, 200, 227, 261, 300, 327 etc…
just to be clear - you don’t need to creat separate fibonacci extension tool if its technically difficult for you. would be enough if you will add extra 5 to 10 lines to the existing fibonacci retracement tool.
i really hope that will be heard
thank you very much in advance!!