Trying to add signals to this indicator and I’m getting syntax error -(264:42): Unexpected token (264:42)
here is the script i am very green to this any advice would be appreciated!
const predef = require(“./tools/predef”);
const meta = require(“./tools/meta”);
const EMA = require(“./tools/EMA”);
const SMA = require(“./tools/SMA”);
const WMA = require(“./tools/WMA”);
const MMA = require(‘./tools/MMA’);
const HMA = require(‘./HMA’);
const p = require(“./tools/plotting”);
const ma = {
simple: SMA,
exponential: EMA,
weighted: WMA,
modified: MMA,
hull: HMA
class atrTrailStop_wTargets {
init() {
this.smaMA = SMA(this.props.atrPeriod);
this.atrMA = mathis.props.movingAverageType;
this.trailStop = null;
this.fib1 = null;
this.fib2 = null;
this.fib3 = null;
this.trend = null;
this.trendUp = null;
this.trendDown = null;
this.ex = null;
this.currClose = undefined;
this.currHigh = undefined;
this.currLow = undefined;
this.switchVal = null;
this.diff = null;
this.prevHigh = null;
this.prevLow = null;
this.prevCumulativeDeltaHigh = null;
this.prevCumulativeDeltaLow = null;
this.buySignal = false;
this.sellSignal = false;
map(d, i, history) {
// Initialize Variables
const prevd = i > 0 ? history.prior() : d;
const prevClose = prevd.close();
const prevHigh = prevd.high();
const prevLow = prevd.low();
const currClose = d.close();
const currHigh = d.high();
const currLow = d.low();
const cumulativeDelta = d.volume(); // Assuming volume represents cumulative delta
// True Range Calculations
const HiLo = Math.min((currHigh - currLow), 1.5 * this.smaMA(currHigh - currLow));
const HRef = currLow <= prevHigh ? currHigh - prevClose : (currHigh - prevClose) - 0.5 * (currLow - prevHigh);
const LRef = currHigh >= prevLow ? prevClose - currLow : (prevClose - currLow) - 0.5 * (prevLow - currHigh);
const trueRange = this.props.trailType == "modified" ? Math.max(HiLo, Math.max(HRef, LRef)) : Math.max(currHigh - currLow, Math.max(Math.abs(currHigh - prevClose), Math.abs(currLow - prevClose)));
// Trend Logic
const loss = this.props.ATRFactor * this.atrMA(trueRange);
const up = currClose - loss;
const down = currClose + loss;
const prevTrend = this.trend;
const prevTrendUp = this.trendUp;
const prevTrendDown = this.trendDown;
this.trendUp = prevClose > prevTrendUp ? Math.max(up, prevTrendUp) : up;
this.trendDown = prevClose < prevTrendDown ? Math.min(down, prevTrendDown) : down;
this.trend = currClose > prevTrendDown ? 1 : currClose < prevTrendUp ? -1 : prevTrend;
this.trailStop = this.trend == 1 ? this.trendUp : this.trendDown;
// Extremum Logic
const prevEx = this.ex;
this.ex = (this.trend > 0 && prevTrend < 0) ? currHigh : (this.trend < 0 && prevTrend > 0) ? currLow : this.trend == 1 ? Math.max(prevEx, currHigh) : this.trend == -1 ? Math.min(prevEx, currLow) : prevEx;
// Fibonacci Level Logic
this.fib1 = this.ex + (this.trailStop - this.ex) * this.props.Fib1Level / 100;
this.fib2 = this.ex + (this.trailStop - this.ex) * this.props.Fib2Level / 100;
this.fib3 = this.ex + (this.trailStop - this.ex) * this.props.Fib3Level / 100;
const l100 = this.trailStop + 0;
// Fib Targets
const prevSwitchVal = this.switchVal;
const prevDiff = this.diff;
const trendChange = this.trend == prevTrend ? false : true;
this.switchVal = trendChange ? this.trailStop : prevSwitchVal;
this.diff = trendChange ? d.close() - this.switchVal : prevDiff;
let fibTgt1 = this.switchVal + (this.diff * 1.618);
let fibTgt2 = this.switchVal + (this.diff * 2.618);
let fibTgt3 = this.switchVal + (this.diff * 4.23);
// Buy/Sell Signals
this.buySignal = false;
this.sellSignal = false;
if (this.prevHigh !== null && currHigh > this.prevHigh && cumulativeDelta < this.prevCumulativeDeltaHigh) {
this.buySignal = true;
if (this.prevLow !== null && currLow < this.prevLow && cumulativeDelta > this.prevCumulativeDeltaLow) {
this.sellSignal = true;
// Update previous values
if (this.prevHigh === null || currHigh > this.prevHigh) {
this.prevHigh = currHigh;
this.prevCumulativeDeltaHigh = cumulativeDelta;
if (this.prevLow === null || currLow < this.prevLow) {
this.prevLow = currLow;
this.prevCumulativeDeltaLow = cumulativeDelta;
return {
trend: this.trend,
trendUp: this.trendUp,
trendDown: this.trendDown,
ex: this.ex,
fib1: this.fib1,
fib2: this.fib2,
fib3: this.fib3,
l100: l100,
trailStop: this.trailStop,
switchVal: this.switchVal,
diff: this.diff,
buySignal: this.buySignal,
sellSignal: this.sellSignal
function drawATR_TrailStop(canvas, indicatorInstance, history) {
let item1;
for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) {
const item = history.get(i);
if (i > 0 && item.trend !== undefined && item.trailStop !== undefined && item.fib1 !== undefined && item.fib2 !== undefined && item.fib3 !== undefined && item.l100 !== undefined) {
const x = p.x.get(item);
const x1 = p.x.get(item1);
p.offset(x1, item1.trailStop),
p.offset(x, item.trailStop),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "Green" : item.trend == -1 ? "Red" : "White",
relativeWidth: 0.5,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.lineOpacity / 100,
item1 = item;
function colorATR_TrailStop(canvas, indicatorInstance, history) {
for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) {
const item = history.get(i);
if (item.trend !== undefined && item.trailStop !== undefined && item.fib1 !== undefined && item.fib2 !== undefined && item.fib3 !== undefined && item.l100 !== undefined) {
if (indicatorInstance.props.colorZones) {
const x = p.x.get(item);
p.offset(x, item.fib1),
p.offset(x, item.fib2),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "LightGreen" : item.trend == -1 ? "Salmon" : "White",
relativeWidth: 1.0,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.fillOpacity / 100,
p.offset(x, item.fib2),
p.offset(x, item.fib3),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "Green" : item.trend == -1 ? "Red" : "White",
relativeWidth: 1.0,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.fillOpacity / 100,
p.offset(x, item.fib3),
p.offset(x, item.l100),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "DarkGreen" : item.trend == -1 ? "DarkRed" : "White",
relativeWidth: 1.0,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.fillOpacity / 100,
function drawFibTargets(canvas, indicatorInstance, history) {
let item1;
for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) {
const item = history.get(i);
if (i > 0 && item.trend !== undefined && item.trailStop !== undefined && item.fib1 !== undefined && item.fib2 !== undefined && item.fib3 !== undefined && item.l100 !== undefined) {
if (indicatorInstance.props.showFibTargets) {
const x = p.x.get(item);
const x1 = p.x.get(item1);... if (((item.trend == 1 && item.fibTgt1 > item.trailStop) || (item.trend == -1 && item.fibTgt1 < item.trailStop)) && item.trendChange === false) {
p.offset(x1, item1.fibTgt1),
p.offset(x, item.fibTgt1),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "Red" : item.trend == -1 ? "Green" : "White",
relativeWidth: 0.4,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.lineOpacity / 100,
if (((item.trend == 1 && item.fibTgt2 > item.trailStop) || (item.trend == -1 && item.fibTgt2 < item.trailStop)) && item.trendChange === false) {
p.offset(x1, item1.fibTgt2),
p.offset(x, item.fibTgt2),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "Red" : item.trend == -1 ? "Green" : "White",
relativeWidth: 0.4,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.lineOpacity / 100,
if (((item.trend == 1 && item.fibTgt3 > item.trailStop) || (item.trend == -1 && item.fibTgt3 < item.trailStop)) && item.trendChange === false) {
p.offset(x1, item1.fibTgt3),
p.offset(x, item.fibTgt3),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "Red" : item.trend == -1 ? "Green" : "White",
relativeWidth: 0.4,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.lineOpacity / 100,
if (item1.trendChange === true) {
//canvas.drawText("TEST", p.offset(x, item.fibTgt1),{color: "White",}),
p.offset(x1, item1.fibTgt1),
p.offset(x, item.fibTgt1),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "Red" : item.trend == -1 ? "Green" : "White",
relativeWidth: 1,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.lineOpacity / 100,
p.offset(x1, item1.fibTgt2),
p.offset(x, item.fibTgt2),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "Red" : item.trend == -1 ? "Green" : "White",
relativeWidth: 1,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.lineOpacity / 100,
p.offset(x1, item1.fibTgt3),
p.offset(x, item.fibTgt3),
color: item.trend == 1 ? "Red" : item.trend == -1 ? "Green" : "White",
relativeWidth: 1,
opacity: indicatorInstance.props.lineOpacity / 100,
item1 = item;
function drawBuySellSignals(canvas, indicatorInstance, history) {
for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) {
const item = history.get(i);
const x = p.x.get(item);
if (item.buySignal) {
item.trailStop, // Use item.trailStop directly
if (item.sellSignal) {
item.trailStop, // Use item.trailStop directly
module.exports = {
name: “atrTrailStop_wTargets”,
description: “ATR TrailStop w/Fib Targets”,
calculator: atrTrailStop_wTargets,
params: {
trailType: predef.paramSpecs.enum({
modified: “Modified”,
unmodified: “Unmodified”,
}, “modified”),
movingAverageType: predef.paramSpecs.enum({
simple: “Simple”,
exponential: “Exponential”,
hull: “Hull”,
modified: “Wilder’s”,
weighted: “Weighted”,
}, “modified”),
atrPeriod: predef.paramSpecs.period(5),
ATRFactor: predef.paramSpecs.number(3.5, 0.1),
Fib1Level: predef.paramSpecs.number(61.8, 0.1),
Fib2Level: predef.paramSpecs.number(78.6, 0.1),
Fib3Level: predef.paramSpecs.number(88.6, 0.1),
colorZones: {
type: “boolean”,
def: false,
showFibTargets: {
type: “boolean”,
def: true,
lineOpacity: predef.paramSpecs.percent(65, 1, 1, 100),
fillOpacity: predef.paramSpecs.percent(30, 1, 1, 100),
inputType: meta.InputType.BARS,
plots: {
trailStop: { title: “TrailStop” },
fib1: { title: “Fib1” },
fib2: { title: “Fib2” },
fib3: { title: “Fib3” },
fibTgt1: { title: “Target 1” },
fibTgt2: { title: “Target 2” },
fibTgt3: { title: “Target 3” },
buySignal: { title: “Buy Signal” },
sellSignal: { title: “Sell Signal” },
plotter: [
tags: [predef.tags.Volatility],
schemeStyles: {
dark: {
fib1: { color: “white”, lineWidth: 1, lineStyle: 1, opacity: 65 },
fib2: { color: “white”, lineWidth: 1, lineStyle: 1, opacity: 65 },
fib3: { color: “white”, lineWidth: 2, lineStyle: 1, opacity: 65 },
trailStop: { color: “red” },
fibTgt1: { color: “magenta” },
fibTgt2: { color: “magenta” },
fibTgt3: { color: “magenta” },
light: {
fib1: { color: “gray”, lineWidth: 1, lineStyle: 1, opacity: 65 },
fib2: { color: “gray”, lineWidth: 1, lineStyle: 1, opacity: 65 },
fib3: { color: “gray”, lineWidth: 2, lineStyle: 1, opacity: 65 },
trailStop: { color: “red” },
fibTgt1: { color: “magenta” },
fibTgt2: { color: “magenta” },
fibTgt3: { color: “magenta” },
feel im missing alot here