I can send OSO order in demo ,but Access denied in Replay

Thanks @beebee ,I only recevie the Email without any aprove link. does I need use the rule to general device Id: UnderstandingDeviceId
the node code:

const crypto = require('crypto')

const myUID = crypto.createHash('sha256')

it is SHA-256 hash in hex format (a 64 character string). The hash is based on some arbitrary, but non-changing fields - username , password , and some kind of app-specific secret
and at last It say

you can use whatever fields you want as long as they don't change.

but I use Md5(username+password+apiSecret),I think it don’t change,and I can see my app in the trust device list ,and recevie the Email (with no any aprove link),but I try send order in Replay and live ,it is be Aceess deny too.
so I confuse the rule of general the device Id ,May be the live and replay model will use a typical rule to general the deviceId to check my id is valid or not?mybat like:

byte[] bytes = SHA256(userName+password+apiSecre);
String hexString = hex(bytes);

but I found the String is like


not similar the example ,like


and I also be Aceess Denies :joy: