Dont waste any money to any scammer coder. chatgpt will do it for free

anyone that needs help with coding custom indicators, dont trust any person here who tries to SCAM you into paying…becuase CHATGPT does it all for free. no joke I just spent 15minutes telling CHATGPT what i wanted, and it got it! lol. 15minutes!

a coder who doesnt have a registered version of windows, and i got the red flags, lmao

What is chatgpt? I need something coded.

Artificial intelligent bot that is very capable and confidently wrong many time.

It is great until it is not. It might become your new best friend.

You can ask it any question such as “What is ChatGPT” and it will explain it to you in ximple terms.

What was your prompt like? “ code me a indicator for Tradovate trading platform that paints a red line when 20 sma crosses the 10 ema”? Or do you have to get more technical than that? Will have to try it out when I get home!

I tried something similar, I just told it to code a tradovate indicator that shows an up arrow under the bar when the fast ema crosses above the slow ema and a down arrow above the bar when the fast ema crosses under the slow ema. I save the file to .js file then I import it using tradovate’s editor but tradovate won’t see it and I don’t know why. I coded something similar for ninjatrader and it worked after a few comlaints from ninjatrader I just told the bot about the complaint and it fixed the complaints and the indicator started working.