Bringing this up again, because I feel like this is a small improvement Tradovate can make in order to satisfy so many of their clients.
At this point basically every other futures platform (Sierra Chart, MotiveWave, Jigsaw, and Ninjatrader which now has Tradovate under their wing) has the option to customize the colors on their DOM or tape (tick stream).
All we are able to do is color code our order types on the DOM. We’re able to change the color of Market Depth on any single chart, but the same information displayed on the DOM can’t be changed?
All it takes is a RBG code to change the color that’s displayed on the tick stream and the DOM so I don’t understand why this hasn’t been updated? It’s legit a 20 second fix.
The DOM and Tick Stream is the center of many traders’ systems, and for us to not be able to customize it to match with the rest of our information is a huge detriment.
If Tradovate wants to keep their clients from going to more customizable platforms than this is something they should really pay attention to.
The people want it.