/auth/oauth token exchange token issues

I am trying to exchange an OAuth response code to get an access token and am getting the following error.

[invalid_client] client_id, redirect_uri and client_secret do not match existing setup

I am using the same client_id, redirect_uri and client_secret that I used in the in my initial request to Tradovate and am at a loss for what else I can try so any help is appreciated. I am following along the example shown here GitHub - tradovate/example-api-oauth

Here is my code.

// After coming back from a successful OAuth call to 
const authUrl =
    "https://trader.tradovate.com/oauth" +
    `?response_type=code` +
    `&client_id=${encodeURIComponent(CLIENT_ID)}` +
const credentials = {
  grant_type: "authorization_code",
  client_id: CLIENT_ID,
  client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
  redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI,
  code: req.query.code // This is coming back from a successful OAuth callback,

const response = await fetch("https://live-api-d.tradovate.com/auth/oauthtoken", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify(credentials),

// await response.json() -> 
// {
//   error: 'invalid_client',
//   error_description: 'client_id, redirect_uri and client_secret do not match existing setup'
// }

Did you end up figuring it out? Did you get oauth to work? I was trying also but I’m confused on where to get my client secret. I thought it was just going to be their account password.