D.open() error

New to Tradovate, interested in building some indicators. I took the example code and changed d.value() to d.open() and I’m getting an error. What am I missing?

class offset {
map(d) {
return d.value() - 2.0;

module.exports = {
name: “exampleOffset”,
calculator: offset

d.open is not a function TypeError: d.open is not a function at offset.map (eval at execute (file:///Applications…

Are you sure you had it typed like this: return d.open() - 2.0; and not return d.open - 2.0;?

What happens if you simply add this extra line for testing and keep the return statement as is:
map(d) {
const open = d.open();
return d.value() - 2.0;

Make sure that you have the following in your indicator config:

inputType: meta.InputType.BARS,

inputType: meta.InputType.BARS

got it working, thanks.