Code Explorer Console Output -tail or list newest entries at the top

In pretty much every terminal/console software, it’s possible/easy/sometimes-essential to supply the command to “tail” what is being logged, so that every update/entry shown gets added to the bottom/top of the list of entries and the view “auto-follows” the newest entries.

Putting a “console.log(whatever);” into any custom indicator code supplies much more data than what gets pushed over to the actual indicator views, but the way the “Console Output” currently works, every new entry gets placed at the bottom of the list and you have to keep scrolling down constantly to keep up with the incoming entries, which makes reading/keeping up with the flow of data there virtually impossible/useless (as you can’t interact with anything else while staying on top (err…at the bottom) of it).

I imagine it would be an incredible easy/quick update to add an option under the Code Explorer → View menu to “reverse console output” and just have the newest entries shown first, which would eliminate the need to scroll the Console Output, which would be a real game-changer when it comes to reading data from every “map(d)” update without having to scroll down to see new entries.

Please, please, please implement this feature.